14 October 2014


ALLY = cooperating with, helping with, supporting a particular activity, united for mutual benefit, to bind to. Who are our allies and who are we allied with? Are we allies with GOD or the Devil? Are we allied to the ways of the world or GOD's ways? Sin or Righteousness? We need to choose.

Wake up Christians, it is time to stand up. Time to protect and train up our children in the ways of GOD now..open and read GOD's Word now. Our children are being desensitized to sin and evil all across America, where sin is being legalized and the devil is being glorified, where evil is being called good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20-21), at breakneck speeds. Where there is no fear of GOD in their eyes (Romans3:18) (no reverence and awe of our almighty GOD and the moral dread of being displeasing unto HIM).

Stop being friends with the world and enemies of GOD (James 4:4, 1 John 2:15-16). Stop being lukewarm (Revelation 3:16), compromising, and fearful of man (Psalm 118:6). It is past time take a stand for righteousness, holiness, truth and purity. Put on the armour of GOD (Ephesians 6:10-18) and stand with the one true GOD and HIS Word and give all glory to Him forever and ever amen.

"Be alert, parents, if your student comes home with flyers or brochures and starts talking about being an “Ally.” It’s time to sit your child down and explain that God’s idea of an Ally is someone who is kind but who never (1 Corinthians 13:6) rejoices in sin, but instead always rejoices in the truth.

A true ally will share the reality about homosexual behavior, that it’s a sin, and the truth about gender switching, that it’s a great affront to God’s wonderful design of each of us as male or female. An authentic ally will also share that God is more than willing to change us and forgive us if we repent." AMEN.




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