07 March 2015


05 MARCH 2015

I think that many Christian leaders, be they pastors or otherwise, have become so involved in the WHAT that they have forgotten the WHY. When our efforts to declare what the Bible teaches far surpass our actions in applying the reason as to why it is taught - then we are dangerously out of balance.

Everything bears down on these two simple things: Love God with everything that you are and love others as you desire to be loved. If my theology never brings me to a place of that reality then I have totally missed the point.


23 FEBRUARY 2015

LEADERSHIP LESSON: Biblical leaders must be lead "By the Spirit" because they are responsible to provide a clear path in which people ultimately find Christ. When you are lead by: unmet expectations, personal hurts, rejection, selfish ambition, unforgiveness or even your own good intentions - then the pathway that you lay out before those following you will only lead to a counterfeit version of Christ fabricated from the wreckage of your own disappointments.

Don't forget - You accepted the CALL with the understanding that it was YOU that were to lay YOUR life down for the flock and not vice-a-versa.


19 FEBRUARY 2015

Is your "Christianity" more FASHION than it is FUNCTION? If it's fashion, then it's merely something you choose to WEAR. If it's function, then it's a Cross you have committed to BEAR.


14 JANUARY 2015

LIGHT not only "exposes" darkness - but it also "draws" things out of the darkness! When "walking in the light" and demonstrating the truth of God's Word - be prepared to also face those whom the light has encroached upon their "habitat" and made it a less comfortable place to dwell! Taking territory takes determination!


13 JANUARY 2015

Live a life that is so BOLD, so SOLID and so IN YOUR FACE for JESUS that it keeps the enemy busy attempting to discourage or discredit you so that he'll limit his own time in attempting to further destroy the weak in the faith! Be willing to "take one for the team" and "bear the burden of others."


04 JANUARY 2015

"Many people are looking for churches that can hold their attention and not a relationship with Christ that challenges their intentions!"


03 JANUARY 2015

At the New Birth (John 3:3) the disposition to sin is GONE; that is, it is no longer natural to transgress the righteousness of God. Continuing to sin once a person has repented from dead works (the old life) and placed their faith in the finished work of the Cross of Calvary - requires an enormous effort! (Gal 2:20) The reason that many professing Christians live in direct conflict with this statement is because they have never genuinely entered into His rest (Heb 4:3) and continue to labor after the flesh - whether that be of religion, law, self-righteousness or good works in order to obtain a favor that is only obtained by surrender to the only favorable sacrifice ever made (Jesus).


30 DECEMBER 2014

If a preacher only preaches of Christ and His atoning death within the walls of his church and most (if not all) of the people listening are already saved - why exactly was it that he was preaching there again?


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